Azra, One Year Later
Working closely with Dr. Laffey, Azra successfully transformed not only her lifestyle, but also her body. She lost weight through healthy changes that she was able to make, with support from our team. Thinnergy created a personalized wellness plan that Azra committed to, and we are proud of her hard work and dedication to our proven weight loss program.
Caroline’s Weight Loss Success
The journey to weight loss isn’t a simple one. Caroline reached out to Dr. Laffey to help her achieve a healthier body weight after struggling to lose weight on her own. Caroline’s success came from her own determination to live a healthier lifestyle, with support from Thinnergy to support her and offer expert guidance on proper nutrition, active living, and mindfulness. Her unique wellness plan allowed Caroline to reach her ideal healthy body weight – and keep it off for good!
Liz Lost 42 Pounds!*
With her wedding in Hawaii looming in just seven months, Liz S. really wanted to lose weight so she’d looked great in her wedding dress.
She called Thinnergy and met with Dr. Elizabeth Laffey. Liz, 32, was skeptical that the Thinnergy program would work, so she started out with just Thinnergy’s prescription appetite suppressant medication. To her surprise, she lost 12 pounds in only one month without being hungry.
“It was shocking actually,” she says. “It was an easy 12-pound loss. When my fiance came back from a two-week trip, he found a different person.”
She continued with the medication alone for another three months, as well as walking three miles on a treadmill three times a week. Another 10 pounds melted away without Liz even noticing.
“It was magical,” she recalls.
With only three months to go before her wedding, Liz decided that she needed to accelerate her weight loss. After discussing her options with Dr. Laffey, she chose to go on the low-calorie, fast weight-loss plan. In two months, she lost 20 more pounds.
While she loved the quick loss, Liz realized that the all-meal replacement program wasn’t fitting in with her lifestyle very well. Dr. Laffey suggested the Liz try the modified plan, which is a combination of meal replacement shakes and bars plus one regular meal a day.
“That worked really well,” Liz says.
By the time she boarded the plane for Hawaii, Liz lost more than double her original weight loss goal. She dropped three dress sizes and had to have her wedding dress altered several times because of her weight loss. During her honeymoon, she was delighted to spend days poolside lounging in a swimsuit.
“It was absolutely great,” she says. “What was different about this plan was the support I got from Dr. Laffey. I never felt rushed, and she always had time to discuss whatever was going on with me, even if didn’t have to do directly with the diet. She is really understanding.”
Liz appreciates the support she gets from Dr. Laffey and the Thinnergy staff. The accountability of meeting with a doctor who not only monitors her progress but also encourages her and find strategies that help her stay on track is a big difference from other diets and programs, she says.
“Somehow with this program, it all clicked,” Liz says. “I’m just happy about the way I look now and that I have support and a path to follow.”

Shera Dalin Lost 27 Pounds!*
When I started with Thinnergy, I had hit a brick wall in my weight loss efforts. I had managed to lose about 12 pounds on my own with an extremely restrictive diet and walking for exercise. But I hit a plateau and couldn’t get motivated to lose the remaining 25 pounds. I also had high cholesterol and tests showed I was at an elevated risk of stroke. After meeting with Drs. Laffey and Miller, I learned that it was possible to reach my weight loss goal with their help and Thinnergy’s plan.
My case was complicated by having a low thyroid level, which Dr. Laffey treated with additional medication I didn’t realize I needed. I also began following Thinnergy’s low-calorie meal-replacement diet while increasing my exercise levels. (I enjoy Zumba, so that was my mainstay.) The bars and shakes on the Thinnergy plan were tasty and really helped melt the pounds along. The addition of the Capsiate Natura metabolism booster was a godsend for somebody like me with such a sluggish metabolism.
Thanks to the weekly coaching and monitoring by Dr. Laffey and the wonderful encouragement of Thinnergy’s staff, I reached my goal weight in 12 weeks, losing much faster than predicted. I even lost three pounds in my last week of the diet–an amazing feat for so late in the plan.
I lost 27 pounds in 12 weeks and dropped from a size 12 to a size 6 thanks to Thinnergy. For the first time in my life, I reached my goal weight. My cholesterol and other health measures are all in the normal range now. I’m enjoying the extra energy, new clothes and all the compliments since my weight loss. I’ve even started jogging, which I never would have predicted. Thinnergy has changed my life.