Holiday Survival: Taming Food Temptations

Holiday festivities traditionally revolve around food, and the pressure to overindulge can throw any well-intentioned dieter into a tailspin. Here’s how to make wise choices during the holiday season. Statistically, Americans gain between 1 and 10 pounds each year...

Holiday Survival: Party Food.

Welcome to Holiday Survival: Part 3. Buffets are perilous for those who are watching their weight. Fortunately, a few simple strategies can help you indulge without over-indulging. 1. Do you eat out on a regular basis? During the holiday season, you may want to trade...

Holiday Survival: Drink Responsibly.

While I love a cocktail at a holiday gathering, especially if it’s seasonally themed, I also love it when my clothes still fit in January. In the interest of keeping your current wardrobe and your sanity this holiday season, here are a few tips from Thinnergy...