Water and Weight Loss

Perhaps you’re feeling a bit lethargic, can’t seem to concentrate, experience light-headedness, and feel stressed: well, you may be exhibiting signs of dehydration. Whether you’re in the heat of a tennis match or just going about your daily routine, you need to stay...

Can Going Gluten-Free Help You Lose Weight?

Celebrities, athletes, maybe even your next-door neighbor: Nearly everyone seems to be going gluten-free these days. You may have also heard about the weight loss many devotees say accompanies their new diet. Could giving gluten the boot help your medical weight loss...

Tips for a Happier, Healthier Weekend

It may be tempting to lounge on the couch after a hard week’s work, but healthy weekend eating is equally as important and easy as weekdays. It’s time to make your weekend eating habits as healthy as you can. Eating healthy Monday through Friday is easy. You’re...

Why You Should Be Eating Greek Yogurt

Everybody is going Greek. Greek yogurt is taking over the shelves at supermarkets nationwide. According to a NPR report, sales have increased 2500% from 2006 to 2011, with sales increasing from $60 million a year to $1.5 billion a year. It’s everywhere we turn, but it...

In the News: How Modern Life Depletes Our Gut Microbes

We’re learning more and more about the science of our intestinal flora and the incredible impact they have on our health, both physical and mental.  Dr. Laffey recommends eating cultured foods daily and actively working to improve diversity in diet and...