Burn 100 Calories in 20 Minutes- 5 Ways

Exercise doesn’t have to mean finding time to hit the gym- small movements throughout the day can add up to many calories burned. Follow our tips for easy ways to burn 100 calories in 20 minutes or less. You don’t have to put hours in at the gym to burn...

Staying Healthy at Home This Winter

It’s time to shift your focus indoors and find some things in your own home that can keep you motivated and supported through the cold winter months. Here are five suggestions to help. Now that hibernation season is officially on its way, you may feel a bit...

9 Ways to Manage Your Weight at Work

As summer begins to wane and fall gradually robs us of daylight hours, many of us leave our active lifestyles behind and stay chained to our desks from 9 to 5 and well beyond. The combination of shorter days, increased stress, and being plopped in front of our...

Dining Out: Decoding the Menu

This week, we’re talking about the inevitable- dining out. It happens to us all, especially during the summer. Life is busy and sometimes, someone else needs to make dinner. The problem is that restaurant menus are filled with pitfalls  for anyone, but...