Longer days, picnics, barbecues, pool parties, and sunshine make summer one of the most anticipated seasons of the year. These activities wouldn’t be as much fun without food. But your medical weight loss plan doesn’t have to suffer and neither does your fun! Fill up on delicious, fiber-filled, and refreshing summer fruits to cool off during the warmest season. Some taste sweeter than candy!
Watermelon: Sweltering summer temperatures put you at higher risk for dehydration, which can be very dangerous. You need to stay hydrated to keep alert and healthy, and drinking water isn’t the only way to do so. Not only is watermelon sweet and refreshing, but it’s also 91 percent water! One cup of watermelon clocks in at just 46 calories and is an excellent source of vitamins C and A.
Peaches: Another summertime staple, peaches are an excellent way to help you stick to your weight loss plan. One medium peach is only about 60 calories with no fat, cholesterol, or sodium. Skip the candy bar when you need a midday pick-me-up and indulge with a peach. One study found the fuzzy skin is rich in antioxidants that may reduce the effects of aging and inflammation. Pick a peach with firm, fuzzy skin and store at room temperature to maximize sweetness.
Mango: A study at Oklahoma State University found mangoes may aid in reducing body fat and blood sugar, which can help control obesity and diabetes. Mangoes are high in fiber, vitamins A and C, and beta-carotene, which may help prevent certain cancers. Experiment in the kitchen with this succulent summer fruit and make a mango-avocado salsa or try a stuffed nutty mango chicken recipe.
Strawberries: Big health benefits come in a small serving of strawberries. They’re a great source of vitamin C, potassium, folate, and fiber, which will keep you full for just 50 calories per cup. Mix with plain Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, or sprinkle on a low-sugar cereal for natural sweetness instead of processed, artificial sugars.
Blackberries: This fruit’s ripeness peaks during the summer months, and you don’t want to miss out! One of the most fiber-filled fruits for weight loss, one serving packs in a whopping 28 percent, or seven grams, of your daily needs. Studies show berries also boost brain health, reducing cognitive decline. For just 60 calories per serving, feel free to eat up!
Cherries: Everything is better with a cherry on top, and this fruit for weight loss is no exception. About 21 cherries are 100 calories, but the tart fruit claims its fame for its anti-inflammatory properties, which some studies indicate can reduce your risk of heart disease, arthritis, and obesity. Plus, they make for the perfect on-the-go snack.