While I love a cocktail at a holiday gathering, especially if it’s seasonally themed, I also love it when my clothes still fit in January. In the interest of keeping your current wardrobe and your sanity this holiday season, here are a few tips from Thinnergy for responsible drinking.

-Drinking can lead to overeating.

Not only can drinking lead to lowered inhibitions (and poor decision making), but to low blood sugar and food cravings.


If you are planning on having more than one drink, alternate with an 8 oz. glass of water. Avoid dehydration and give your liver extra processing time in one fell swoop!

-Avoid carbonated mixers.

Beware soda, diet or otherwise, and other carbonated mixers. They can increase your calorie count and your intoxication level.

-Pick your poison carefully.

Stick to low (or lower) calorie cocktails. Check out our list of recommendations below.

Top 5 Low-Calorie Cocktails

1) Light Beer (12 oz. bottle)
Calories: 110
Carbs- 4.5 grams
Fat- 0 grams
Protein- 0 grams

2) Champagne (4 oz. glass)
Calories: 95
Carbs- 1.6 grams
Fat- 0 grams
Protein- 0.3 grams

3) Red or White Wine (4 oz. glass)
Calories: 100
Carbs- 1.5 gram
Fat- 0 grams
Protein- 0 grams

4) Jack Daniels (single shot)
Calories: 55
Carbs- 0 grams
Fat- 0 grams
Protein- 0 grams

5) Vodka (single shot)
Calories: 55
Carbs- 0 grams
Fat- 0 grams
Protein- 0 grams

Now go eat, drink and be merry- just be sure you do the first two in moderation!